Saturday School

Saturday School may be assigned to a student for behavior violations, as well as unexcused or excessive absences. Students assigned Saturday School may reschedule their assignment only once. Students who do not attend a scheduled Saturday School and not reschedule will be assigned 2 discipline points when the assignment of the Saturday school is the result of behavior. Students may sign up to attend Saturday School to receive extra help with homework and assignments. Parents are contacted prior to the student being assigned Saturday School to receive extra help with homework and assignments. Parents are contacted prior to the student being assigned Saturday School. Students should always bring schoolwork with them. Parents are responsible for transporting their child to and from Saturday School.

Saturday School is scheduled approximately three times per month from 8:00am to 12:00 noon. Room assignments for Saturday School are posted near the office door. The Saturday School schedule and room assignments are also available in the school office and posted on the Toyon website. You will also see the Saturday Schools' posted on the Event Calendar. Students are expected to follow all regular school rules while in attendance. Students who arrive late (or leave early) from Saturday School may not receive credit for their attendance.